January 16, 2025

Our Days of Noah


The Sumerian Swindle or How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Our Debt Slavery

Preston James has a new recommended article “You Are the Enemy”  which is a basic overview of the world we live in. One doesn’t have to hang their hat on every single point he makes but there are more than enough to keep our attention focused as we move on.

James uses the term Babylonian Money-Magick…..{It} has been used to create a debt based economy.  It does this by producing “onerous usury” and allows the easy transformation “all the money they create from nothing which is actually worth nothing at face value” into the vast amounts of ever increasing wealth.  This wealth of course is covertly stripped from the common man these Banksters provide the money for and use as a means to extract real value and wealth from those who use their fiat money.

Debt slavery can be viewed as magic in the same way as when primitive cultures first came in contact with ‘advanced’ civilizations. What wasn’t understood was often viewed as magic and lack of knowledge too many times became destructive to their way of life. The mechanisms of the use and abuse of money today may as well be called magic as the majority of people cannot grasp the root cause of their predicament. It’s simple and yet hidden behind complexities that are nothing more than techniques of criminality that have been used in essentially the same way for thousands of years.

It is also called The Sumerian Swindle…..

The Sumerian Swindle was so secret that not even today’s scientists and modern scholars have been able to understand its workings. Throughout history, this ancient weapon has destroyed entire countries, snuffed out the lives of hundreds of millions of people worldwide, created starvation, disease, warfare and ecological doom, with few people learning the true cause of these disasters. The Sumerian Swindle actually has the power to destroy the world. 

So really, do you think the ancient people were so dumb if we modern people and even our greatest scientists still cannot understand what they accomplished? Better think again and ask yourself, 

“How smart are our modern scientists and philosophers today, if they don’t understand even the simplest  inventions of Antiquity? How smart are our political and religious leaders if the inventions of 5,000 BC are too complicated for them?” 

You should have some respect for the intellectual achievements of Ancient Man because his inventions have not only shaped our modern world but those same inventions also threaten to destroy  it. I am not referring to destroying the world with nuclear bombs or genetically modified germs. I am referring to destroying the world with the ancient mechanism of the Sumerian Swindle.

The Sumerian Swindle started like this: If you are on good terms with your next-door neighbor, and you run short of some flour or eggs in the middle of cooking supper, a neighborly thing to do is  to run next door or send your children next door to borrow what you need until you can go to the  market and restock supplies. After shopping, you will repay your neighbor for the borrowed food. Such borrowing among neighbors has been going on ever since people began living together in groups – that is, for the past ten or twenty million years. Borrowing and repaying, is a way to build friendships and  to sustain society. Borrowing and repaying, is a vital mechanism in every human society.  But it became corrupted among the Ubaidians of Mesopotamia.

As the people whom we call the Ubaidians first practiced irrigated cultivation of crops, something about this natural human relationship changed. Perhaps one neighbor got tired of constantly lending out grain to another neighbor who was slow to repay. So, it happened that at a certain time, the lending  neighbor agreed to lend out a measure of grain only if the borrower agreed to repay a measure and a handful; or perhaps a basket of grain was lent out in return for a basket-and-a-half in repayment; or  perhaps, sensing the reluctance of a neighbor to loan, the borrower, himself, out of charitable good will and personal need, offered to repay two baskets of grain for one loaned.

Whatever the actual origin of the mechanism, the Ubaidians evolved a system that we today call, “interest on a loan”. This occurred sometime between 9,000 and 6,000 BC when they first began building their permanent mud brick towns and villages. Central grain storehouses were a part of every town. And in every town and village, individual grain storeage space was a part of every house. So, when the larder was empty, borrowing from a neighbor kept starvation from the door and promoted friendly relations among neighbors in a harmonious society of give and take. 

But something else occurred in the actual understanding of this development in the minds of both the borrower and the lender. A borrower who repays the loan has nothing left in his hands to contemplate. But the lender who gains back the loan plus interest has more than he started with to contemplate. The poor man is even poorer than he was and the rich man is richer than he was. The actual physical ownership of the grain plus interest enabled the lender to accumulate an ever-increasing store of goods. In addition to what he started with, both the returned loan as well as the interest could be loaned out at interest.

And that interest when repaid could again be loaned out in a spiraling increase in total wealth. This was the beginning of the Sumerian Swindle.

The Sumerian Swindle has twenty-one secret frauds. The Twenty-One Secret Frauds of the Sumerian Swindle are:

#1 All interest on the loan of money is a swindle.

#2 Collateral that is worth more than the loan, is the banker’s greatest asset.

#3 Loans rely on the honesty of the borrower but not the honesty of the lender.

#4 Loans of silver repaid with goods and not with silver, forfeit the collateral.

#5 The debtor is the slave of the lender.

#6 High morals impede profits, so debauching the Virtuous pulls them below the depravity of the moneylender who there-by masters them and bends them to his will.

#7 Monopoly gives wealth and power but monopoly of money gives the greatest wealth and power.

#8 Large crime families are more successful than lone criminals or gangs; international crime families are the most successful of all.

#9 Only the most ruthless and greedy moneylenders survive; only the most corrupt bankers triumph.

#10 Time benefits the banker and betrays the borrower.

#11 Dispossessing the People brings wealth to the dispossessor, yielding the greatest profit for the bankers when the people are impoverished.

#12 All private individuals who control the public’s money supply are swindling traitors to both people and country.

#13 All banking is a criminal enterprise; all bankers are international criminals, so secrecy is essential.

#14 Anyone who is allowed to lend-at-interest eventually owns the entire world.

#15 Loans to friends are power; loans to enemies are weapons.

#16 Labor is the source of wealth; control the source and you control the wealth, raise up labor and you can pull down kings

.#17 Kings are required to legitimatize a swindle but once the fraud is legalized, those very kings must be sacrificed.

#18 When the source of goods is distant from the customers, profits are increased both by import and export.

#19 Prestige is a glittering robe for ennobling treason and blinding fools; the more it is used, the more it  profits he who dresses in it. 

#20 Champion the Minority in order to dispossess the Majority of their wealth and power, then swindle the Minority out of that wealth and power. 

\#21 Control the choke points and master the body; strangle the choke points and kill the body 

Source:  Read More…

Our Days of Noah