January 16, 2025

Our Days of Noah


The Obama Family and Muslim Bro Plot To Takeover Egypt Revealed




This report includes all necessary evidence to establish the case for Malik Obama’s link to terrorism. I have acquired Israeli intelligence reports, which add more teeth to make the case even stronger. This includes financial evidence. The hyperlinks in this report are essential. They link to monumental details provided from primary sources. These are not simply opinions; they are intelligence and government reports.


Wanted for Questioning: Malik Obama, Mama Sarah Obama, Musa Ismail Obama, and Sayed Obama.

Wanted for Questioning: Malik Obama, Mama Sarah Obama, Musa Ismail Obama, and Sayed Obama.


The report concludes that Malik Obama’s Foundation (BHOF) was incorrectly awarded tax-exempt status along with the Mama Sarah Obama Foundation (MSOF). Evidence points to the disguising of both as charities when in fact they both advance terror causes.


Malik Obama, in his official capacity as Executive Director of the Islamic Dawa Organization (IDO) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7], is also responsible for “charitable fronts” but in reality these are “used to finance terrorism” by partnering with the Union of Good (UG). Pursuant to Executive Order 13224, the U.S. Treasury has designated Union of Good as “Terrorist front” which acts as an umbrella organization that represents over 50 Islamic fundraising groups worldwide, including IDO and WAMY (World Association of Muslim Youth), which are official members of UG. WAMY is “an extremist Islamic foundation in Saudi Arabi oriented towards Hamas” (see intelligence reports and financial transfers of funds here and here). Malik Obama connects his illegally obtained BHOF and IDO fundraising in his promotional billboards in Kogelo as well as in his partnership with WAMY (see Malik’s meeting with Secretary-General of WAMY Dr. Mohammed Omar Badahdah) [1] [Zionist controlled masons] [3] [Masonic corruption] Cooperation between these groups happens, in part, via WAMY’s office in Nairobi, Kenya and Badahdah’s financial aid to Hamas.


As we wrote previously, depending on the translation (Organization vs. Association), the IDO can be identified as Munazzamatal-Da’waal-Islamiia. On a promotional board featured on the BHOF website, the IDO is shown partnering with the BHOF on one of the projects:


BHOF and IDO Connected.

BHOF and IDO Connected.


The official website for UG shows IDO is still active. IDO also has a bank account in Al-Shamal bank, where it receives donations. This bank’s initial operations were heavily financed by Osama bin Laden and was even named as a co-defendant in a lawsuit filed by the families of 9/11/01 victims. Al-Hayat even reported that bin Laden owned the bank during his time in Sudan.


This is the tip of the iceberg as to why the UG – with its affiliates (including IDO) – has been designated by U.S. Department of Treasury as “financial fronts” for terrorism (see intelligence report here). On the UG website’s homepage, the two main photos of its two most prominent leaders are #1 president of its organization Yusuf al-Qaradawi (the unwavering supporter for Hezbollah, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist organizations) and the #2 man is none other than Suar al-Dhahab (Malik Obama’s direct supervisor) who represents IDO and works closely with Hamas (see intelligence reports here). Under the UG website’s “Contributing Institutions” page, UG shows that one of the partners is Malik’s IDO. The website even provides the method for donating and lists all the affiliated organizations, including the contact information for Malik’s IDO to direct contributions for Hamas:




The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs (#19 on the list) in Israel (see #19 and also here), has investigated UG and concluded that:


“Dozens of foundations that are operated abroad by Hamas, most of which are members of the Union of Good, along with dozens of Hamas charitable associations active in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip, form a well organized and coordinated support network, that includes Hamas’s fundraising arm abroad and the vital civilian and infrastructure networks in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip. In this framework, tens of millions of dollars per annum are transferred from the overseas foundations to Hamas associations in the field.”


Multiple websites that tout fundraising activities include IDO sending charities to Hamas can be found [here] (see section: “IDO donations linked to Hamas”). Suar al-Dhahab is also vice chairman of the The Al-Quds (Jerusalem) International Foundation (JIF), which is also designated by U.S. Treasury under E.O. 13224 as a terror front for Hamas; financial transactions funding Hamas can be seen in intelligence reports (here and here pg.7 lists IDO). In one incident, Malik’s immediate supervisor, Suar al-Dahab raised over $8 million for JIF and in another incident, $1 billion is claimed by one of IDO’s affiliates, adding further to what we previously disclosed. The only projects in Kogelo, Kenya that qualify under a non-profit claimed by BHOF are: land, a well, and a mosque structure. According to Malik, the mosque was donated by “Dr. Muhammad Al-Maneea” from “Saudi Arabia” and “Ali M. Zaghmout” from Qatar; the well came courtesy of “Alislah Society” in Bahrain, which is also a terror front that funds Hamas (see appendix D, #9 from Intelligence reports via INTERPAL).


The U.S. government is authorized to block the assets of organizations and individuals that provide financial support to terrorist organizations. Both BHOF and MSOF are in violation of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”). Therefore, due process should be enforced. According to Reuters, Malik Obama is a U.S. resident who has lived in Washington, D.C. since 1985.


The Reuters report also claims that the BHOF is a…


“…charitable organization (Malik) founded to build houses for women and orphans…”


The BHOF funded the Barack H. Obama Recreation Center and Rest Area in Nyan’oma Kogelo, designated land for a mosque, a mosque structure, and a well. The BHOF raised money by falsely claiming to be a tax-exempt charity.


When chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center filed a complaint with the IRS, not only was it never investigated but Malik was allowed to submit an application (May 23rd, 2011) to the IRS which was met with a 501(c)(3) approval letter that illegally granted the group’s tax-exempt status retroactively, 38 months.


According to National Legal and Policy Center, this constitutes “common law fraud and potentially even federal mail fraud.” MSOF has a similar case, it essentially operates as a non-profit; it uses California Community Foundation (CCF), itself a 501(c)(3) based in Los Angeles, CA. CCF transfers donations marked for MSOF out of the U.S. MSOF’s operations are quite illegal based on Musa Obama’s own admission on Al-Jazeera and by monitoring MSOF’s activities in the Middle East. It operates as a fundraising entity in which 90% of such funds are raised from major U.S. institutions to send Kenyan students to the top 3 most radical Wahhabist madrassas in Saudi Arabia. When he was Secretary of State, Colin Powell testified in 2004 before the House Appropriations Committee that madrassas were breeding grounds for “fundamentalists and terrorists…”


On October 16, 2003, in a memo to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and other top Pentagon officials, then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld put forth a similar view. From documented studies, it is concluded that several of president Obama’s family members – including Grand Mother Mama Sarah (MSOF Foundation) including her fundraisers Uncle Sayed (Saeed, Sayid, etc.) Obama and Cousin Musa Ismail Obama, who admitted on al-Jazeera Arabic television, to funding scholarships from Africa to the top Wahhabi madrassas in Saudi Arabia.


Now with Malik Obama’s activities, a clandestine team that funds the promotion of global terrorism appears to be made up of several Obama family members.

Source: therearenosunglasses.wordpress.com

Our Days of Noah