pol-insights–12 19 Signs That You Live In A Country That Has Gone Completely Insane Why are London’s Police Travelling to Israel? American and British Police Trained in Israel The Army’s Plan For Martial Law Carried Out Under UN Authority Corporate-Fascist America: Former Philadelphia Police Captain Says Cops Are Mercenaries for Corporations HR 758 – An historic decision and a total news blackout NSA Was Responsible For 2012 Syrian Internet Blackout, Snowden Says No, America Isn’t Communist – It’s Only 70% Communist US war on terror is war on Israel’s enemies: Controlled Opposition – The Hidden Hand Of Misdirection The Opposition To Police Brutality Is A Constitutional Militia (VIDEO) Would Obama Use Food As A Weapon Against American Citizens? Terrorism and the Evolution of Deception Protocols of the Elders of Zion – A One Page Summary Disgrace! Obama is giving Social Security & ObamaCare to illegals, yet wants to cut military benefits PEARL HARBOR – MOTHER OF ALL CONSPIRACIES Mossad training ISIL terrorists: Putin aide Freemasonry – The Elephant in the Room SECOND VIDEO EMERGES OF OBAMACARE ARCHITECT CALLING AMERICANS “STUPID” 3 Things You Should Know About the “Stupid Virus” Scientists Find Signs of Toxic Flame Retardants in Americans Israeli Authorities Prevent 100 Tons of Vegetables from Exporting out of Gaza Home Office is creating more powers to turn everyone into suspects – but leave us no safer Reporters Discover Ferguson Psy Op, Media Pushing Nationwide Race War Bubonic Plague Outbreak in Madagascar, 47 Already Dead 35.8 Million Worldwide Living in Modern-Day Slavery: Report DHS wants private surveillance cameras in every neighborhood Fusion Centers are spying on innocent Americans & have virtually no oversight Police expert admits police departments have become Homeland Security police How Police Use Military Tactics to Quash Dissent Oregon public school sex-ed conference promotes sex toys, sexting, and using meth to 11 year olds 12 Charts Show Connection Between Roundup and Disease Bill Passed: EPA Must Only Take Advice from Industry Shills, NOT from Independent Scientists 15-minute video: vaccinations as good for you as wars, banksters, corporate media! DHS Set to Destroy Government wide Network Surveillance Records The Federal Reserve Is At The Heart Of The Debt Enslavement System That Dominates Our Lives SURPRISE, GOLDMAN SACHS: PUBLIC BANK OF NORTH DAKOTA JUST OUTPERFORMED WALL STREET Hacked US Documents Said To Reveal Extent Of Undisclosed US “Lethal Aid” For Ukraine Army Isolated Incidents? 40 Cops in 30 Days Racked Up Dozens of Charges of Child Rape and Sexual Abuse Doctors are Primary Source of Narcotic Painkillers for Chronic Drug Abusers in U.S. Fluoride a Neurotoxin Court rules Michigan has no responsibility to provide quality public education Mainstream media finally exposes secretive vaccine court Obama Gives $3 Bil to U.N. Climate Fund Run by Communist, Terrorist Nations Facebook Users: A Psychological Warfare “Echo Chamber” Experiment is Being Conducted on you Without Your Consent Feds Prep Next Attack On Bundy Ranch, Wanting 2 Million Acres of Nevada Land List of countries overthrown by the CIA. Is America next? The FBI: America’s Secret Police Obama’s Mercenary Attacks On Syria Are Breaking The Law To understand Goldman’s ticket to monopoly, the key is the Fed’s chain of command. Delusional US ‘Group Think’ on Syria, Ukraine U.S. & ‘International Banks’ Finance Ukraine’s Civil War Libya Then and Now: An Overview of NATO’s Handiwork Home Office is creating more powers to turn everyone into suspects – but leave us no safer Is Walmart the World’s Worst Corporation? Israeli Ruthlessness 101 The Rothschild and Morgan Connection — FACT or Delusional Conspiracy Theory? Ukrainian General reveals the Zionist control of Ukraine Washington Covertly Arming Ukraine Israel and Allies Try to Prevent Fourth Geneva Convention Summit Our founding fathers saw Obama and his power grab coming a mile away… Written in the 1700’s wow!!! Nazification of Israel 30 Years Later, America Truly Is Becoming A ‘1984’ Society 35.8 Million Worldwide Living in Modern-Day Slavery: Report Police expert admits police departments have become Homeland Security police Fusion Centers are spying on innocent Americans & have virtually no oversight Saudi Government Carries Out 70th Beheading This Year The Whole Thing is a House of Cards Based in Corruption This Is Why You Should NEVER Trust a Bank The Global Financial System Comes Unglued Hagel Warned Of Rogue ‘New World Order’, Now He’s Fired The Modernized Slave Labor System: Also Known as the Prison Industrial Complex The REAL Looting Is Happening On Wall Street … Not In Ferguson ISIS is the New Khmer Rouge, and the US Created Them Highlights of the Wonderful Criminal Background of CIA Facebook can gain direct access to your mobile and take pictures or make videos at any time, MPs warn IRS accused of sharing 2,500 private taxpayer documents with White House Psychology Study: ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ Are Critical Thinkers That Reject The Official Story Meet Ukraine’s Master Mass-Murderer: Dmitriy Yarosh The Brainwashing of a Nation in Four Basic Stages by Yuri Bezmenov The Bill and Melinda Gates (of Hell) Foundation Facebook Users: A Psychological Warfare “Echo Chamber” Experiment is Being Conducted on you Without Your Consent What More Can Barack Obama Do to Destroy America before He leaves Office? The Mossad’s secret wars A third of Russians think Cold War did not end with fall of Berlin Wall The International Monetary Fund Lays The Groundwork For Global Wealth Confiscation How the Government Controls the Drug Trade Ottawa false flag terror attack launches Canadian bombs on Iraq and Syria Meanwhile, Whatever Happened to Al Qaeda?? Are you awake yet? Government-enforced medical quarantines just went from ‘conspiracy theory’ to official policy in NJ and NY An Ebola Outbreak Would Be Advantageous For Globalists Looting Operation: Corporate Elite Divvies up Detroit as Bankruptcy Plan Confirmation Looms The U.S. Created, Not “Underestimated,” ISIS Threat In Syria Turkey and Israel Are Directly Supporting ISIS and Al Qaeda Terrorists In Syria The CIA’s Invention of the “Conspiracy Theorist”: Smear Campaign to Discredit Dissenters Big Lies Launch Lawless Wars The Wal-Mart model: Not just for retail, now it’s for private prisons too! Is the U.S. Military Manufacturing Ebola Vaccines to Be Tested on its Soldiers to “Advance US Ability to Wage War”? Multi Billion Dollar Bonanza: Companies which Make Money By Keeping Americans “Terrified of Terror Attacks” NATION OF COWARDS Telling It Like Is Is On Israel Israeli Propaganda Campaign Fails To Hide Web of Lies Donor blackmail Silences Criticism of Israel Middle East Tensions Manufactured By US / Israel Zionists The US Is Now Involved In 134 Wars Illuminati Crosshairs On Russia Suspicions Run Deep in Iraq That C.I.A. and the Islamic State Are United Illuminati, Nazis & The Illegal State of Israel Organized Jewry: destroyers of Western civilization Jewish groups receive 94% of DHS funding for non-profits Israel tortures prisoners captured in Gaza invasion Boehner and Pelosi Unite to Pass Bill Funding Planned Parenthood, Obamacare, Syrian Revolutionaries The Elite’s Flawed Depopulation Agenda Is Quickly Morphing Into Genocide Hillary Clinton Cosying Up To War Criminal Henry Kissinger The peace they promise is neverending war ISIS: a Frankenstein monster created by the US and Israel The Lost Logic of ‘Perpetual War’ Hiding Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Reality Google Maps Has Been Tracking Your Every Move, And There’s A Website To Prove It ISIS Drives Texas-made Toyota Trucks Apparently Modified for U.S. Special Forces Battling ‘crusaders’: ISIS turns to glossy magazine for propaganda The Illusion of Syria’s ‘Moderate’ Rebels How the Bush Administration Covered Up the Saudi Connection to 9/11 Facebook Poses A Threat To Every American At Least 17 Fake Cellphone Towers Capable Of Invasive Spying Have Been Discovered Across America UN Internet Summit: Communists, Socialists, Globalists in Charge of Cyberspace? Patriot Act’s absurd new spawn: Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse Terrorism with a “Human Face”: The History of America’s Death Squads Warning to the World: Washington and its NATO and EU Vassals are Insane Pentagon Hands Lucrative Guantanamo Bay Deal to Notorious Private Security Company Decade of Court Cases Quietly Wiped from Online Database Intercept: LA Times Journalist Cleared Articles With CIA Before Publishing US Begins Selling “Syria Intervention” Using ISIS Pretext The Monopoly Of The Government Education Cartel Previous Articles Past Articles