February 18, 2025

Our Days of Noah


Hiding in Plain Sight: Organ Harvesting and Human Trafficking

August 3, 2023 Thomas Müller Articles by Thomas Müller

After the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, CNN Senior Medical Correspondent Elizabeth Cohen stumbled into a surgical tent and broadcast the report seen in the following video.

Is the IDF Harvesting Haitian Organs?

First, Cohen states that medical supplies are severely limited. Next, she says that medical personal were using belts and garden hoses as tourniquets. Then, at minute 00:01:15, she drops a bombshell:

“They only have two blood pressure cuffs for 200 patients. On the other hand, what they do have is corneas. Yes, these are corneas from cadavers that people lovingly donated. They’re not doing cornea surgery here, they are barely able to do amputations. Nobody knows how these ended up here, I found them under a table next to a box of granola bars.”

Numerous nothing-to-see-here, move-along dumbbells out there might claim this is merely “incompetence,” similar to 9/11. You know that was when the many incompetents responsible for taking down air defenses were promoted. Others might claim these are prosthetic corneas.

For the record, there are methods that allow corneas to be stored at room temperatures for short periods. The box probably had a cooling mechanism. Further, in the last video, the former president of Haiti claims that aggressive and unethical organ transplant harvesting was taking place after the earthquake.

The World Health Organization estimated back in 2011 that the illicit “organ trade” generated illegal profits between USD$600 million and USD$1.2 billion per year. That is an understatement.

Winter Watch Takeaway

The ethical considerations couldn’t be more clear. This “medical staff” came suited and booted to perform organ transplants but just so happened to leave even minimal treatment gear behind.

Secondly, in a non-Crime Syndicate triage situation with emergency mass casualties, organ harvesting is way down on the list of priorities.

Any more questions?

Prime Minister of Haiti confirms trafficking

Depending on the source, children in particular are of high value to criminal traffickers. In Greece, a trafficker paid a birth mother $4,100 for her newborn baby. A woman in Moscow was selling girls from Moldova for $2,865 to human traffickers. And in Colombia, men are paying criminal gangs up to $2,600 in online auctions in order to have sex with a virgin girl.

And again, we see the pattern of delayed media reporting on pedophile busts. A major Haiti pedo-bust story finally appeared in Reuters back in 2017. Investigators are uncovering the true breadth of the operation that appears to include a non-governmental organization and international elements.

The sting raid by police on Sunday at a resort hotel, Kaliko Beach Club, near the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince, led to the rescue of at least 31 women and girls, police authorities said.  A group of American and Canadian tourists checked into the hotel and booked 22 rooms and paid for day passes for the children to use.

Note: Reuters and AP are news wire sources that the mainstream media utilize. However, this story was never reported at all in the usual lying-press outlets. And once again, “by coincidence,” the bust took place just after the Clinton Foundation pulled the plug on its Haiti programs.

For undetermined reasons, Glenn Beck tweeted out that this raid was going down two hours early.

More Trafficking and Skulduggery Out of Brazil

Now comes yet another whodathunk moment. João Teixeira de Faria – known as “John of God” – achieved international fame after being interviewed by Oprah Winfrey and having a list of famous visitors, including Bill Clinton and Naomi Campbell.

Clinton called “John of God” his spiritual adviser.

Here is a photo of Campbell partying on a yacht in the French Riviera in 2001 with Jeffrey Epstein accuser Virginia Roberts and the ever present Ghislaine Maxwell. The second photo below is a taste of Campbell’s “art.” Nothing to see here, move along?

PHOTO: New York Post

Faria’s pharmacy peddled “blessed” water and “blessed” herbal pills to Winfrey’s sheeple. A doctor who tested the pills, which generated more than £10million a year for “John of God,” found they were simple passionflower herbal supplements.

The medium invited “clients” for private consultations, where he turned them to face away from him then performed sexual acts as part of their “cure.” This was the subject of a recent series on Netflix.

In December, 2018 of last year, a Dutch photographer, Zahira Leeneke Maus, told a Brazilian TV channel that during a private session in his clinic, Faria had manipulated her into performing sex acts and then raped her.

There was a New Age hack Winfrey’s puff-piece promo interview with Faria during a visit to Brazil. Winfrey vouched for his spiritual healing powers after she nearly fainted during a “blissful” encounter.

Brazilian police discovered evidence that Faria was a mass murderer, baby trafficker and sex-slave ringleader.

Mirror.co.uk in January reported that the 77-year-old was arrested in what prosecutors say could be the worst serial crimes case in the country’s history.

Brazilian activist Sabrina Bittencourt, whose investigations led to Faria’s arrest in December, now claims the celebrity medium ran a baby trafficking operation where children were “farmed” in Brazil before being sold to childless couples around the world.  Bittencourt claims young girls were held captive in remote farms, where they were forced to produce babies before being murdered after 10 years of giving birth.

Source: https://www.winterwatch.net/2023/08/hiding-in-plain-site-haitis-post-earthquake-organ-harvesting/

Our Days of Noah