February 18, 2025

Our Days of Noah


Parents told to vaccinate newborn or have him seized by the state

Aliea and Ben. (Source: The INQUISITR)

Aliea and Ben. (Source: The INQUISITR)

BIRMINGHAM, AL — Parents of a healthy newborn infant were told to consent to injecting him with drugs or lose him to the state.   This successful blackmail scheme was made possible by the state’s horrifying ability to seize children without due process.

Aliea Bidwell and Ben Gray became new parents on March 14th, 2014.  Their experience turned from joy to dismay when their parenthood was already being threatened on their son’s first day outside of the womb.  Ben and Aliea gave a detailed account of their experience to The INQUISITR.

When the parents expressed their desire to forgo vaccines for their hours-old baby, they drew the ire of a particularly nasty staff member at St. Vincent’s Hospital.  A pediatrician named Dr. Terry M. Bierd allegedly told the parents that they would either submit their son, Aaron, to a Hepatitis B vaccine or else she would call Alabama’s Child Protective Services (CPS) to report them as negligent parents.  The threat was very real, in a system which allows families to be split apart without a trial, without evidence, without a defense, without a jury — without a law even being broken.

As the parents balked, the threat was repeated throughout the day and made in front of a dozen family members, The INQUISITR reports.   A time was set for the ultimatum to expire.

Dr. Bierd allegedly said that once Aaron was in the hands of social workers, he would be injected immediately and it would be difficult for them to get him back.

It should be noted that there is absolutely no law requiring vaccines of any kind for any newborn.   Declining vaccines at birth is common and completely within the rights of the parents.   Even when children become of age for public school, there are exemptions to the vaccine suggestions in all 50 states.

The absence of any legal footing has not stopped the social workers from seizing children over medical disagreements before.  Pennsylvania parents Scott and Jodi Ferris found themselves in a nearly identical situation recently.  When they refused an injection for their baby girl, Mr. and Mrs. Ferris were thrown out of the hospital and the girl was taken into state custody — based only on the whims of a social worker.

In light of the intimidating circumstances, Ben and Aliea complied with the doctor’s demands, doing so under duress.

Although the Gray family didn’t have to deal directly with the state, Dr. Bierd’s threats coupled with the existence of the unaccountable child-snatching agency was enough to coerce their parental decision making.   Its not even clear if Dr. Bierd will face any consequences.  Parents need to beware of the profound implications that exist for their families when they come into disagreements with professional control-freaks.


Source: policestateusa.com